Thursday, February 19, 2009

and then my reading upsets me

Apparently, according to the interwebs, things have been going on which I would be better off not knowing.

For instance, TMZ, in a feature on celebrity butterfaces, insulted my fantasy boyfriend. Gasp! Look at this face:

Not only is there nothing wrong with that face, 99.9% of the male staff at TMZ--indeed 99.9% of the male population of the world--would be fucking lucky to look that handsome at age 46. (Especially after all the years of, y'know, heroin relapses.) I am aghast.

Secondly? Dr Laura--how the hell is she still alive? and who the hell is still giving her a forum to spew her hateful nonsense?--says women have sex for three, and only three reasons: love, a desperate desire to be loved or wanted, and money. Good to know! That pesky sex drive of mine must mean I'm a dude, then. But, my god, I have breasts. Wha?

Oh, I'm so confused. So confused.

Aghast and confused.



crispix67 said...

You must be the ultimate dude...boobs and a sex drive! You dont have to ever leave home, do you??


As for Anthony...what did they mean by butterfaces? Fat like butter? I see not one ounce of fat in this face. Greasy like butter? His forehead is a bit shiny,but maybe it was a warm evening, or maybe hed just had fantastic sex and was still sweaty from it. :)

Or maybe they meant butter in a good way, like that its a face you want to look at cause its so yummy, like the way butter makes foods yummy.

Im going with that one...though, having looked at their website and watched the TV show for about 5 minutes once, I doubt thats what they meant. :(

He still trips my what do I care what TMZ thinks?lol

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, are you guys unfamiliar with that "charming" term? It's a crude insult for supposedly ugly women with nice bodies. "But...her *face*!"

The only nice thing that I can possibly say about those scummy TMZ people is that they at least expanded the insult to men too, b/c their celeb list was about 50-50 male/female. So they're saying my boyfriend Anthony has a hot body and an ugly face, which is just obviously ridiculous. Every bit of him from head to toe is delicious.