Sunday, February 22, 2009


It's our friend Phoebe Cates at the Oscars tonight .

I think I'll go to bed now and curse god, or the unfairness of genetics. Something.



Craig H said...

You mean, you've got the hots for Phoebe Cates too???

What are the odds! ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

No. That's you. And Mr Indemnity. And every other heterosexual man in North America who's ever seen her, on film, in print, or in person.

Me, I just see her as a symbol of what a woman in her mid-40s *could* look like. If she's perfect. It makes me want to cry :-)

Uncle said...

Now me, I'm very encouraged to see her escorted by that old geezer. It proves that there is hope.

malevolent andrea said...

That would be her husband of 20 years, Mr Kevin Kline, who is 61! I looked it up :-)

malevolent andrea said...

I know it's probably the height of douchery to reply to your own blog comments, but I was thinking about this, and don't you think Mr Kline must be carrying a whole boatload of awesome karma from another life or something?

Let's look at the facts: not only did he at age 41 marry an incredibly beautiful 25 y.o. woman, he then has proceeded to keep her happy and satisfied enough to stay for 20 years (because, I mean, c'mon, she's Phoebe Cates, I'm sure she's got to be aware she'd have *options* should she decide to divorce), and NOT ONLY THAT, but he managed to pick the only 25 year old woman on Earth who apparently has not aged *at all* in twenty years. He's either the luckiest man on the planet or he was Ghandi. Well, no, not Ghandi, he's 6 months too old to be Ghandi. But someone of equally impressive karma-racking-up.

Uncle said...

When I connected the dots, first I wailed because *that* is Kevin Kline, and he is seven months younger than me. Then I looked at Phoebe, and said "shit, there's hope after all." May not be in this life though.

Craig H said...

C'mon, don't go projecting all sorts of heaven onto being Mr. Phoebe Cates without considering what life must be like with what very well may be a human china doll. She could have ugly feet, first of all. ;-) Second of all, I've read it on good account that female sexuality has been positively correlated to non-skinny body types, meaning that I would fear Phoebe's bedside manner may be less than inspiring, and who wants that at age 61 or any other? (How's them grapes for sour?)

malevolent andrea said...

Hmmpphh. Implying that my fat may make me good in bed does not make me any less jellus of Phoebe's genetic superiority. Yur doin it rong! hahahaha (OTOH, in a closeup that I saw of this picture, Ms Phoebe has nailpolish on her hands which is if not identical to my toenail polish, very very very close. So I feel my good taste is vindicated.)

See you soon! :-)

Craig H said...

Phoebe's genetic superiority remains in question unless and until we can determine how long it is that she can hold her breath. There's more than just the luxury of softness that makes a woman's company all it can be. ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, I hope no one but me is reading this far down into the comments. Hahahahaha. Ha.

Why do you people distract me when I'm supposed to be WORKING? :-) :-)

Uncle said...

Unfortunately, someone is. Not for nothing is my first name "Wicked" in some the non-New England sense of the word. ;)

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, you're okay! I know I can count on your complete discretion, and that you do the reading equivilent of "lalala, I can't hear you" when the inuendo involving your blog hostess gets too deep. That's what I'm telling myself anyway. ;-)

But it occurs to me also that *the other* iconic scene of Phoebe in "Fast Times..." involves her and the banana. How do we *know* she can't/won't/doesn't hold her breath in real life? Sigh.

I'm still thinking genetic superiority FTW. hahaha