Sunday, February 15, 2009

drunk, posting

Be Nice to Andrea Day also involved alcohol. Can I just come out in favor here, publicly, of drinks that have candy in them? Like three kinds of booze + fucking gummy bears. This, my friends, is genius.

Oh. And my feet, they look good. I tried to take a pic and upload it but apparently my camera is low on battery power and I am not going to be arsed to go back downstairs and find new ones. So trust me. Feet=pretty.

Cake is also good.

I think that covers it.



Uncle said...

OK, vodka maybe. Beer nevah! I don't even like it when someone pours my beer *near* fruit or some other adulterant.

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, my best Heimlich-manuever-waiting-to-happen alcoholic beverage ever was the blueberry ale they had at the Beer Works a couple summers ago with the actual blueberries floating (or sinking) in it. That stuff was *delish*.