Sunday, February 15, 2009

true or false!

Dancing Led Zep song evah? I vote yes! Someone linked to a youtube video of it in a thread I was reading this morning and so naturally I had to go youtube other Led Zep songs I like (like, fer instance, Misty Mountain Hop) as well as the STP cover of Dancing Days, which I also like. I know, I'm not supposed to admit liking STP, but I do, and I wish it were the 90s again so I could listen to "alternative" on the radio and wear stompy shoes and red lipstick. Anyway! I am in a ridiculously cheerful mood and I want to play loud music while I get dressed and dance around. Be glad you do not have to witness this.

I am getting a spendy spa pedicure today, which, I am usually embarrassed to get professional pedicures because my feet are generally a mess from all the walking (and hiking) I do but I read someone on the interwebs expressing the same opinion and a million people who play sports and do martial arts and hike etc etc and also have ugly gross feet from such told her no no no no, do *not* be embarrassed, the more abused your feet are, the more you deserve a pedi. So, encouraged, I booked one. Also because I got my bank statement this week and somehow for reasons that are unclear, even though I paid real estate taxes (ugh!) and the ridiculously high water bill (bastards keep raising the rates, mon) last month/beginning of this month, I ended up with more money in the checking account than I started with. Score! So I must Be Nice to Andrea today.

Excuse me, I must go dance and dress now.



Craig H said...

The Rain Song... What is and What Should Never Be... The Ocean... Heck, even Custard Pie...

But, then, guys and gals always have differing opinions on things. Like, for example, drinks with candy in them.

Drop one of those Gummy Bears into my Harpoon IPA and we've got a problem on our hands.

malevolent andrea said...

Don't be silly. Gummy bears go with *vodka*, not beer. :-)

Now I gotta youtube What Is and What Should Never Be, 'cause I like that one too.

Craig H said...

"And if I say to you tomorrow..."