Saturday, November 1, 2008

more hgtv

While I was hanging around waiting for adorable children in costumes to come to my door last night, I was watching TV in that I-know-I-need-something-I-don't-have-to-pay-attention-to way. Which means, usually, HGTV. "Property Virgins" was on. There was a young couple, not even married yet, looking for (duh) their first house. Both of them were living at home with the folks, the guy in his family's basement, where they forced him to keep his dress clothes for work in the garage. To get a shirt, he had to climb over the lawn mower. It was kind of hilarious.

However, it didn't take much TV viewing to see why, if you were forced to provide room and board for the guy, *you'd* exile him to places you store the power tools too. God, what an annoying pair. They hated everything. All the kitchens were too small and had no storage. For all the gourmet cooking equipment they didn't have, you understand. The man/boy was primarily interested in whether there was a nice basement space for his big screen TV. Which, of course, he didn't own either. They seemed totally clueless that what they had to spend was not going to magically buy them the high end living space they had in their heads.

But what really really amused and perplexed me was that they were very nonplussed that two of the houses they looked at had only one bathroom in the upper floors and one in the basement. "That means if people came to the house, they'd have to use our bathroom. I'm not sure I'd like that," the woman worried.

Excuse me? Are you in the habit of inviting friends and family whose butts you *wouldn't* want on your toilet seat to your house? Really? Is that an OCD germaphobe thing or something? But then it struck me. That's not the reason. She just wants to be able to leave the sex toys drying on the sink and not worry about putting them away before Aunt Ruthie stops by.

Can't fool me.


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