Wednesday, November 26, 2008

the end of civilization as we know it...

and Happy Thanksgiving!

You know I am thankful for many things this year. My wonderful friends, D's continued stability, my dad's continued health (and miracle podiatry cure!), my financial situation's having returned to equilibrium, Kelly's onion rings, Magners cider, feta, anti-anxiety cures of *all* stripes, Youk! and Dustin, that MFR class I took in July, Netflix, FIOS, and that they finally finished renovating that damn cafeteria in work.

However. I fear we are one step closer to the abyss. D has on MTV, watching a True Life marathon, and I just saw they're making a new season of A Shot at Love. Except, instead of the insect-like Tila Tequila, it involves bisexual identical twins. Hence, A Double Shot at Love.

Imagine my face, filled with shock and horror. Yeah, that.



crispix67 said...

LOLOL..I can only watch MTV for about 10 minutes..sometimes just 1 has gone wayyyy down the tubes since its beginning...,have you told your son that they actually used to show music videos and live up to their name? It should now be called CSTV Crappy Show Television...or maybe WTFTV as in WTF is this show??Or Who TF decided this show was worth producing.LOL

malevolent andrea said...

If you really really want to make your brain hurt, you need to watch some of these MTV "dating" shows. (I swear, no lie, I don't actually *intend* to see them, but D either falls asleep or wanders off elsewhere with the TV on and I've got the laptop or the cat on my actual lap, so I don't want to get up for the remote, blah blah blah excusecakes.)

Anyway, they have this one where supposedly the parents hate their child's beloved, so the mother and the father each separately pick a date for their child out of a pack of contestants, and then the parents, along with the hated-beloved, watch on CCTV as the child goes out on two dates with the two contestants. And they all trash-talk one another throughout, after which the child gets to pick whether s/he wants to stay with their current, or hook up with one of the dates.

It is simultaneously as fakeass and as horrifying as it sounds. I think, in fact, it is the worst single thing I have ever seen on a TV screen, and that includes Tila Tequila. I weep a little inside for the people who would sell their dignity in this way just to be on TV. But then I remember I sell my dignity for free on this blog, so. You know.