Friday, November 14, 2008

it's a little far

So, you know, over the past few months I've had a series of GYN problems and irregularities, then the weird not-satisfactorily-explained skin rash, along with the dollops of severe anxiety/panic attacks. Hell, we'll even throw in my unexplained bout of happiness as a mood swing! In totaling up this little bunch of apparently (but probably not) unrelated problems, Mr Barma suggested to me the other day that perhaps my chi is messed up. Okay, I'll go with that. Western medicine hasn't proven all that efficacious.

I've been thinking maybe I ought to go have some acupuncture. At least two of my friends have had really good results from it (one of them for GYN problems, as a matter of fact). However, neither of them live in the immediate Boston/North Shore area, so I couldn't conveniently go to their practitioners. But then I was thinking, there was this really nice young female acupuncture doctor, Melissa, who I sometimes worked with at the Evil Massage Place back in 2007. I would totally trust her to work on me. So I googled her to see where she was practicing these days.

Googling her name + Boston acupuncture was getting me nowhere. So I googled "her name" acupuncture. Oh. She's apparently moved to Washington DC (probably so traumatized by those rotten thieving bastards we worked for that she had to leave the state, ha!). I'm thinking that's a little far for me to go to have needles stuck in me.

Sigh. Now I'll just have to pick someone at random whose picture I like and who has good Yelp reviews.



Craig H said...

this all is just too fascinating *not* to google, so here's my personal favorite so far:

if you go there, do NOT neglect to ask them wtf is "maxibustion".

malevolent andrea said...


"Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing. Moxibustion has been used throughout Asia for thousands of years; in fact, the actual Chinese character for acupuncture, translated literally, means "acupuncture-moxibustion." The purpose of moxibustion, as with most forms of traditional Chinese medicine, is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of qi, and maintain general health."


Not to be xenophobic or anything, but this is why I'm looking for a nice 30ish American-born (or raised) female acupuncturist. She can moxibustion me if she must, but she will be explaining how, what, and why in non-broken English while she is doing so.

I'm thinking this one looks promising:

crispix67 said...

Ever try Reiki? It can help balance you also. Ive had a few sessions, and love it. It works with the chakras or energy centers in the body.

Check out your local health food store, you might get lucky as we are here, to find one that does treatments every month for a "donation" or "love offering".

I wonder if they place the mugwort on your skin and burn it or if it just is lit somewhere in the room while they do the acupuncture.

crispix67 said...

And here would be my answer.


malevolent andrea said...

Not only have I had Reiki, I can do Reiki. Well, okay, Reiki level 1. That's as far as I've gotten with it, but I have been atuned, so theoretically if someone asks me to Reiki them, I can do it. Which includes Reiki-ing myself.

But in the midst of a huge anxiety attack, I really couldn't pull myself together enough to lie down in a quiet room and attempt to mess with my own energy fields. What I *should* have done was when I cancelled my massage appointment with M2 this week b/c I wasn't totally convinced I might not be contageous was to ask her to do half an hour of Reiki on me instead. It might have calmed me the fuck down. At least as well as tequila and [deleted]. :-) :-)

Craig H said...

Aww, cmon! The pidgin Ingrish would be at least half the show!!!

Ok, personally, I agree, I, too, have to understand something before I can give in to its possible placebo effects, which, come to think of it, kinda stands in the way of a lot of things for me, including Reiki. But smoldering mugwort on the top of those warm little accupuncture needles I could sell to myself on the basis of warm=good, in the case of personal care, alone.