Thursday, November 6, 2008

he lives

Stressing over a few things today, but even so, I had to report in briefly.

First Possibly Irish Danny sighting in 6 months! Not on his usual bus, and I was too far away to hear what he was talking about, alas, but my boy seemed in good spirits. And when I walked by him on my way off, I saw that both his hands are entirely covered in new ink.

So maybe he's just been spending a lot of quality time with his tattoo artist rather than riding back and forth aimlessly on public transportation, diverting me with his mysterious conversations!



Craig H said...


Some day we'll get you a new cell phone with a camera on it, so we can do this stalking-papparazzi thing right.

So glad our boy seems to be doing fine.

Uncle said...

Gad, that's a relief! I was beginning to fear something like a reverse rapture had taken our boy away.

malevolent andrea said...

I *knew* everyone would be pleased!

Craig H said...

I know, maybe the swab was for the triple E, and he's been ill these past months...

malevolent andrea said...

I picture him lying in a hospital bed, weak and pallid, while his tattoo artist valiantly makes a housecall (because you can't have him dying with unfinished work, y'know?) and the nurses fuss that he's going to get hepatitis on top of the triple E.