Monday, November 24, 2008

oh, and an animal question

I bought these two "ceramic fan electric heaters", one for my bedroom because it's the coldest room in this house, and one for my dad's room, where he hangs out, because he's turning into one of those old people who wear a sweater in July and I am not keeping the downstairs thermostat on 70 or 72 just to prevent his bitching, whining, and moaning.

Anyway. Evil Kitty hates these things. If she is in my room with the door closed and it's on, she will meow and rattle the door and otherwise freak out until she is liberated. And it has nothing to do with the fan blowing right on her or anything. Is it possible it gives off some kind of sound that humans cannot hear but that hurts her ears or is she just being bizarre as always?



Uncle said...

I'm not familiar with these things close up, but two things could happen. One, there could be just enough vibration set off to annoy cats, who are hard-wired to be hypersensitive to vibration (q.v. toes under two comforters and a duvet: end of story). Two, they could give off some odour that dumb hooman noses don't notice. That might go away as the things get older.

Just sayin'

malevolent andrea said...

Oooo, they do have a very fine vibration to them--you can feel it if you put your hand on the side. I wonder if that in fact *is* her problem.

Uncle said...

There y'are, I betcha. I don't know about Ms EK, but Mr Spike can tell our cars apart from any others on the street from two blocks off, although tuneups throw him off. And, of course, you didn't ask permission!