Monday, November 3, 2008


I forgot the most important news. Yes, I know there's a historic election tomorrow, the economy's tanking, and there's still a war on. That is bigger than that. They're opening a...wait for it...keep waiting...a PF Chang's next to the Cheesecake Factory in Peabody. OMG! Maybe even OMFG! Stop smirking. I do know that PF Chang's has the same relationship to actual Chinese food as the margaritas with chips n' salsa I enjoy at Border Cafe do to anything you'd actually consume in Mexico. I don't care. I'm not a duck's foot soup kinda girl; I'm a kung pao chicken kinda girl. I like PF Chang's. I like the food, I like the drinks, I like the little eensy desserts.

And they built me one at the North Shore Mall just so I'd have somewhere to replenish myself after shoe shopping (if they ever open that Nordstroms, that is). Thanks, Powers-that-be!


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