Sunday, August 10, 2008

on the other hand

...what we do know.

If you go out in a white cotton dress, you should always have a.) underwear or b.) an umbrella. Because, no matter how not-shy you are, you probably really aren't down with an entire trainful of Green Line riders knowing the exact size and color of your areolas when you get caught in a thunderstorm with neither.

That's my helpful hint for today. You're welcome!



Craig H said...

photos please! ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

Hey, even if I had had a camera with me, do you think I would have added to that poor woman's humiliation by capturing it on film for my blog readers' purient interests?!? What kind of bad person do you think I am?? :-)

Craig H said...

it's wasn't you???

aww, now i really *am* disappointed...

malevolent andrea said...

My areolas were safely ensconsed beneath a black bra and black t-shirt and thus remained a closely guarded secret as far as the City of Boston was concerned, thankyouverymuch. I fear no thunderstorms!