Tuesday, August 31, 2010

small pleasures

I think yesterday was my blogoversary, and did any of you all send flowers? NO. What a bunch of friggin' slackers. Between that and the lack of commenting, one would think no one's enjoying my little missives about Ubaldo, the YMCA, and various TV shows you've probably never seen. God. I will have to come up with some new topics. (Wait till I start telling you about what the Buddhists think about sex. I bet you'll pay attention to that.)

But until then, I'm just going to tell you some things that make me happy for no reason.

Looking on the UPS website and seeing that my package is OUT FOR DELIVERY? That makes me happy.

Getting "my" treadmill at the gym, even though it's 4:30 pm on a weekday? That makes me happy.

Having Evil Kitty sleep with me all night, even though it isn't winter and even though she loves my son far, far more than she loves me? That makes me happy.

Leaving my garage door open for eight hours while I go to work (don't fucking ask, please) and coming home to find no one's stolen the nice snowblower or the crappy lawnmower? That makes me happy.

See, am I not all rainbows and kitten orgasms this morning even though I got NO blogoversary flowers? What's up with that? Must be leftover adorable redheaded twin baby hangover.



Craig H said...

I'm pleading a reasonable as far as I'm concerned 48 hour window of exculpability for birthday hangovers, and being completely distracted by the complete unraveling of Timmy Lincecum!

Uncle said...

I'm pleading my age and demographic. Life is tough when you're broken down by age and sex.