Friday, August 27, 2010

and, oh yeah, the best comment of the week

Last night on Rachel Maddow, they were doing a special show from New Orleans for the 5th anniversary of Katrina. She was talking to a youngish (in her 30s, maybe?) black woman. I'm not sure who this woman is--I was only half-paying attention at first--but I gathered she is some sort of activist. The woman was discussing how this, that, and the other thing are supposed to be improved, but really, not so much. And in expressing her disapproval of the school system and the job the schools are doing, she said, and I am quoting verbatim to the best of my recollection, "...but there are still a lot of stupid children running around." I did a spit-take, looked over at D who was also cracking up, and remarked that I could not believe she actually just said that on television. Rachel, bless her, did not even twitch.

"A lot of stupid children running around." I don't think this lady has a career in politics ahead of her, but I'd buy her a beer.


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