Sunday, August 15, 2010

andrea goes to the gym

So I finally took advantage of my shiny new Y membership yesterday after work. Can I tell you, late Saturday afternoon in August is a primo time to go to the gym. No lines, no waiting.

Do you remember, oh, a year and a half ago, when I was getting all these impulses to run when I was out walking, so I bought myself the heavy duty sports bra and was all psyched up to start jogging? And then I had the War With My Uterus and bled for two and a half months straight and got pretty severely anemic and weak like little girl? And then I was on hormones and super crazee and feeling like shite? And the running ambitions thus obviously never bore fruit? And then this spring, feeling all nice and healthy and strong again, I started looking at the couch to 5k and debating it? And the specter of double knee replacements made me go, "mmm, maybe sticking to yoga and weights would be better"? You remember all that, RIGHT?

Well, yesterday I took my heavy duty sports bra and my c25k podcast to the Y and did week 1 day 1 anyway and OMFG did it feel great. I will not tell you what speed I did the "run" intervals at on the treadmill because you will point and laugh, but baby steps, baby steps, and I was soaked with sweat and high on endorphins anyway. Plus, when I was done with the 1/2 hour podcast program, I did an additional ten minutes on the treadmill at a slower walk speed but a big incline to build my glutes, which also felt awesome. And now I remember why I loved the gym so much 20 years ago when I used to be obsessed with going.

When I need my knees replaced, you'll all come visit and bring soup and ice cream, right? (Because orthopedic surgery is totally like getting your wisdom teeth yanked, I'm sure.)


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