Thursday, August 12, 2010

semi-exciting doings

I joined the Y yesterday. Decided against the expensive semi-scary personal training place and against the gym I used to belong to and went Old Skool. For $47 a month, I can use the gym, the pool, and take a whole bunch o' free classes, including yoga taught by people who work in other local yoga places that charge $10-15 a class. Is a bargain! If I go.

Yesterday I also went into my neighborhood meat store and bought some hamburger to make tacos. This is exciting because though the meat store has been there forever and I have lived in this neighborhood 15 years, I had never set foot inside. Isn't that weird? It took me 13 years of living here to start frequenting the neighborhood bakery and now I go there all the time (well, when I'm not off the sugar, that is.) I like the idea of supporting local businesses, I just tend to go to the supermarket out of habit. Oh, and can I say, the taco salad I made last night was ambrosial. I have no idea why it tasted that good--I'm not attributing it to the meat, haha--but it was the best thing I've eaten in months. And a good thing, too, 'cause I also noticed yesterday that the Mexican restaurant I like in Salem is now gone and replaced by some other Mediterranean (?) place. Boo. What am I supposed to do now when I'm in the mood for Mexican? Go all the way to Marblehead? Goddamn it.

And my relief pitchers got me a save *and* a win last night which was soopah, since Bronson Arroyo got whacked. Bronson pitched two shutouts in a row prior to that, so I'm not mad at him, though. Plus, I watched the highlights of his game on SportsCenter this morning before I left for work, and the at-bat in which he gave up the grand slam? Second pitch of that at-bat, the guy hit a foul ball to left that the left fielder *should* have caught if he were not pursuing it at a Nancy Drew-like pace. If that out had been made, woulda been a whole different game for Mr Arroyo. Anyway. I know yous people love when I talk fantasy baseball.

Peace, love, and understanding, bitches.


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