Monday, August 9, 2010

hipster kitteh

Can't let hipster puppies have all the fun, right?

I'm particularly fond of "this band was better before they released music", "87 degrees? Let me get my scarf", "Went thrift shopping, bought my old clothes" and, y'know, the Steve Jobs one, OF COURSE.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I'm feeling mocked. Just sayin'

malevolent andrea said...

WHAT? You don't wear scarves.


Steve Jobs probably *will* retire when he hears you want a kindle, not an iPad. Do you want that on your head?

Anonymous said...

Steve's problem with me is that he made the iPhone too *good*, so I have less reason to give him even more money for a bigger, heavier, more expensive iPhone that's harder to carry around.

On the other hand, the iPad is forcing Amazon to drop their prices on the Kindle and make it better. Isn't free market competition wonderful? (On those few occasions when there actually *is* free market competition, which isn't as common as Republican rhetoric would lead you to believe).

Then again, Apple has so much cash in the bank (over $45 billion) that they could *buy* Amazon outright. Amazon better not piss Steve off, is all I'm saying.

malevolent andrea said...

You're just being smug about the whole "iPhone users get more nookie" thing. C'mon now.


Anonymous said...

Ummm... Well, now that you mention it...

Truth be told I've just been too busy in bed to *need* an iPad. Steve should have thought of *that* too. Some marketing genius.

malevolent andrea said...

The Kama Sutra is probably free. Public domain, right? hahaha

Just prop the ol' iPad up on a pillow and discover some new positions. You're wasting the possibilities of 21st century technology. Steve Jobs wants you to use his products even during nookie. I'm sure of it.