Monday, August 30, 2010

news, views, and reviews, 'scuse

Have we had a numbered list in the last week or two? I dunno. I'll be arsed if I'ma go back and look. So we shall press on! Royal we, bitches.

1.) I met The Babies this weekend, finally, which is awesome and about time, since they just turned 3 months old. If you do not know of which babies I speak, it'll take too long to explain, but just roll with me...babies! Adorable redheaded twin girl babies! There is no drawback to anything in that sentence, yo. I got to hold and I got to feed and I got to talk absolute nonsense for ten straight minutes to a baby sitting in her swing, raptly looking at my face and smiling and cooing back at me, telling me an extremely long and involved story in Baby Language. If you think my poor almost-dried-up ovaries weren't twinging, you ain't been paying attention.

2.) I also bought this book: "Sex, Sin, and Zen: a Buddhist Exploration of Sex from Celibacy to Polyamory and Everything in Between," by Brad Warner. (Yes, that *does* mean I finally finished that Stephen King book that was giving me tendinitis.) I only read a tiny bit of it in bed last night, but so far, so interesting.

3.) I also bought Nike Free 3.0 shoes, which are those super-flexible, super-lightweight newfangled running shoes that are supposed to bridge the gap between regular running shoes and the whole "barefoot" movement. And they are supposed to be especially good for people like me who have high arches and supinate; we need flexible shoes. I cannot review them, because I haven't actually worn them yet, but I stuck them in my gym bag and brought them to work, and they're light enough to make a noticeable difference from my old shoes. Which is good, because that Stephen King book gave me tendinitis. Ha!

4.) I measured myself. I've very recently lost at least half an inch in my hips. This would explain my pants-fit problem that's been going on. NOT THAT I AM COMPLAINING AND THANK YOU, YMCA.

5.) My free lunch is not here yet but my 12:30 patient is. Goddamn it.


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