Friday, January 15, 2010

free association friday

1.) I was all about to write a rantilicious post deploring the state of society, my place in said society, how all men are apparently scum even if the ones *I* know are pretty much cool, and blah blah blah, predicated entirely upon a jezebel article I read at lunch. But then I read the original article linked to in the jezebel piece and realized they (i.e. the jezzie blogger) were sensationalizing and referring to only small parts of the study the original article referenced. In other words, just another example of how the media exists entirely to get people worried or pissed off about stuff they wouldn't be worried or pissed off about otherwise.

2.) I had a little teenaged patient today, just about to turn 16, and her father was torturing her by trying to take a picture of her with his cell phone camera while she was set up for testing. "Noooo, dad!" she said, blocking her face with her arms. "Not with all this stuff on me, and I'm not even wearing makeup!" Well, you know what I wanted to say. Oh, sweetie, you're so pretty, you don't *need* makeup; you can wear it for fun, but you're beautiful without it. And then I'd have to go on and reassure her that she's not fat, because I'm sure she thinks that too, being a curvaceous kind of girl. Okay. Maybe that's my societal rant right there, non-media-prompted.

3.) How bad is it of me that as soon as I realize I have more money than I thought I would, I start thinking of how to spend it? Plus, I may very well be doing a little side job for someone, completely under the table (don't tell the feds on me!***), soon and I'm thinking, oh, yeah, then you can buy this and this and get that looked at and that fixed. Why is not my first impulse to save the extra money for six months or whatever, in case I need it for an emergency? God, I suck. That's my personal rant right there, non-media-prompted (but, yeah, maybe I'm picturing my friend Suze Orman smacking me.)

4.) I'm procrastinating on making a phone call I'm supposed to make, purely because I know it's going to be one of those bureaucratic calls that makes me so frustrated and anxious that it will totally make the week end on a sour note. Monday is another day and I will deal with this crap then! And that's my little gift to myself right there. (But if I don't do it Monday, you all are free to smack me. Hard. Because there's no excuse for that.)

5.) Okay, I'm going to go finish my work, because I should really feel guilty for getting paid to do *this*. Not that I do, but I should.



***never gets old


crispix67 said...

1) I have to take media breaks every once in awhile just for that reason. I get all worked up about something that is just pure sensationalism. I cant stand CNN or other news channels anymore, its all ither fluff or fearmongering.


3) I do the same thing. I have been doing slightly better recently. But, Im starting a job next month working with a friend who does taxes, and she gonna pay me quite well..and Ive already come up with many ways to spend it, as opposed to maybe saving it for rent and such because I left the pet sitting company (I wasnt making enough money)? Ya know, being practical and responsible?? I had a sort of break through last month about bills and money...that paying my bills 1st before fun stuff gives me security and makes me happy (eases my anxiety) It has kind of lessened this month unfortunately, but I have managed to save some money. But, yeah, wish it was my 1st choice, not my last.

4) I dont blame you. Bad phone calls can always wait ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

3.) Okay, so I just donated $50 to Doctors Without Borders for Haitian relief. That's much better than planning on spending extra money on crap and totally non-smackable I think.