Monday, January 25, 2010

and one more thing

So, did you know Neil Gaiman is now engaged to Amanda Palmer? (Do you know who either of those people are? If not, you probably don't care!) Anyway, I care, because Mr Gaiman is my celebrity writer pretend boyfriend, and if he was gonna leave his wife, I would have preferred it to be for me rather than some hussy who basically changed her clothes on the red carpet at the Golden Globes. God. I have a sense of decorum, yo.

But what was most hilarious about the whole Golden Globe thing was that (as related on gofugyourself) the pictures of Mr Gaiman and Ms Palmer were tagged by the photo service as Amanda Palmer "and companion" even though Mr Gaiman was the one who was nominated for an award. Ha! Poor Neil, no respect except amongst the geeks. It's very sad.

If he was in any way upset by this, or by the fact that his fiance is an exhibitionist, he's welcome to come cry on my shoulder. Or any other body part he desires. For real! And then we can collaborate on a novel that would be much better than anything I could ever write. And then he can introduce me to his BFF Tori Amos. Doesn't that sound like a plan??!!!


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