Wednesday, October 14, 2009

pm update

I raked five bags of leaves. I forced myself to walk to the post office to mail the bills, rather than just drop them in the "out mail" in my mailbox. I went to CVS to pick up the guys' prescriptions and did not throw a fit when an older lady cut me in the pharmacy line (she claimed when writing out her check that she'd forgotten her reading glasses, but I am plenty big enough to see without reading glasses, thankyouverymuch.) I filled out the forms online for my dad since apparently the Commonwealth of MA has both he and my dead mom on the unclaimed property list. I got and put away groceries. (None of this necessarily in that order.) And now I'm gonna do a few more things.

I don't necessarily think that fresh air, exercise, and productivity makes me feel any better, but this is like the most perfect of all weather, so it seems like a waste to, y'know, waste it. So.

Oh, and in the annals of "Oh, Andrea, you are such a moron" as well as the annals of "whoever designed this house was on drugs, probably coke 'cause it was the 80s", upstairs I have two adjoining rooms with (I think they call them) can lights in the ceilings, one of which also has a ceiling fan, which you will probably remember me mentioning in the context of never cleaning. Well, over a year ago, the switch the turns on those lights, as well as the fan, simply failed to work one day. Hmmmphm, I thought, just another thing in this house that needs to be fixed, but since those rooms have other lighting sources, I ignored it. (I did miss that ceiling fan this summer however.) Well, just the other day, I was looking around for Evil Kitty, and I sorta accidentally hit a wall switch way on the other side of the room that apparently goes to nothing. (We have one of those downstairs: a wall switch whose only function is to turn off the power to the outlet the TV is plugged into, wtf?) Well, guess what? The one upstairs needs to be flipped on for the controls to the can lights and the ceiling fan in those room to work. Are you kidding me? It not only makes no sense, it also took me 15 years of living in this house to figure it out. And you wonder why I'm depressed.

And now it's too cold for the ceiling fan! Son of a bitch.



Uncle said...

I assume Evil Kitty was not napping in the dormant fan at the time, else she would be writing the blog in triumph over your dead body.

I am still doing the necessary stuff. It's doing the stuff that I enjoy or which diverts me that is a trial. Isn't *that* stupid?

malevolent andrea said...

Luckily for all concerned, Evil Kitty does not hide in high places. Maybe due to her affiliation with Basement Cat? :-)

Uncle said...

There have been several offerings made to Basement Cat around here recently, so I am not going to make fun.