Saturday, October 10, 2009

heloise's helpful hints

Household tricks I have learned this year from the interwebz that actually work the balls:

1.) To clean a really disgusting microwave with splattered food nuked into its every surface, put a large bowl of water in there, bring it to a boil, and let it boil a good long time till the microwave is supersteamy. 90+% of the gross cooked-on gunk will then easily wipe away with a paper towel without any effort on your part at all.

2.) Spraying cider vinegar around where you think the ants are coming into your house will keep them outside where they belong. No harmful chemicals necessary.

3.) Nuking your sponges in the microwave will keep them nice and nongermy.

Household trick the Benevolent L swears I taught her in our youth, but which I have no memory of imparting:

If you're buying bananas and you don't want the whole bunch, take the top "row" because they will generally be less bruised from being bumped around.

Household trick Mr Barma taught me very recently, which I have now also managed to indoctrinate my dad in:

Leave the door to your frontloader washing machine ajar after you use it, so it will dry out nicely in there and not promote mildew growth.

My favorite new household products:

Mrs Meyer's Clean Day Aromatherapeutic Household Cleaners (in the lemon verbena scent.) When I took my class this September with my favoritest of all massage teachers, she held it in her home, and she had the Mrs Meyer's hand soap and dishwashing liquid on her sink. I fell in lurrrvvvve. I now have the countertop spray, the laundry detergent, and the dish soap.

And since, as you know (or *should*, peasants) my birthday will soon be upon us, I could use:

1.) A spoon rest

2.) cute potholders/oven mitts in green-blue turquoise-ish colorways

3.) more Mrs Meyer's stuff

4.) one of those aprons from Anthropologie that I keep being too cheap to spring for, even when they're on sale

Okay! That's all the kitchen/bathroom stuff to discuss today.



crispix67 said...

OMG-I love Mrs Meyers Clean Day stuff! One of my cleaning clients had me use the lemon verbena all purpose cleaner on her kitchen floor- hardwood. Oh, it smelled sooo wonderful! Always made me feel happy to mop her floor. LOL

I have done the nuked on food trick- it is amazing how good it works!

Forgive this lowly peasant, but when *is* your birthday? Mine is the 25th of this month.:-)

malevolent andrea said...

Happy upcoming Birthday! Mine is November 18.

Did you kbut now Mrs Meyer's makes dryer sheets? I've only seen them online, but not in any local stores so far. But I want :-)

crispix67 said...

Yes, I got some Lavender ones on sale at Kroger one day, they were great! Theyre a bit expensive if I recall, which was why I bought them on sale- like 50% off I recall.But they werent overpowering like some dryer sheets are.

Uncle said...

I used to pimp for Number 1 at one of my workplaces full of male geeks with no concept of hygiene, but it was no go. They couldn't get the difference between cleaning the microwave with clean water and doing it with their bowl of chili.

The word is spreading about the virtues of open front-loader doors. They told us about that at Tri-City when we bought the new one.

I plan on hooking up with Mrs. Meyer real soon. :)