Wednesday, October 21, 2009

character assassination

One more thing, then I swear, I'm going into that cat box room to vanquish it.

One of the things I'm kind of fascinated with is what (personality) traits are considered good and bad in 2009 America. I take my evidence on this from what I read on the internet, the internet being, of course, the easiest way to see the opinions of a bunch of varied strangers, sane and insane, old and young.

If we are to take these citizens of the internet at their word, the three biggest sins, from least to most, are adultery, [perceived] cruelty to animals, and OMG laziness. I once observed (and some of you did, too) a young woman post innocuously about having had her cat declawed--a procedure I personally would not do, but a legitimate veterinary practice that obviously at least some vets think is reasonable--and not only was she eviscerated for days and weeks, flame war to end all flame wars, she could not post anything at all about any topic on that board for the next year or more without being bullied by a group of cyber-enemies who took pride in painting her as a cross between Hitler and Pol Pot. She could have cheerfully confessed to eating babies, stealing her grandmother's social security checks, and having her last four ex-boyfriends buried under the rose bushes without arousing the same loathing and disgust. For having the cat declawed. So, obviously, doing something "mean" to a housepet (eating cheeseburgers and wearing leather doesn't count as animal cruelty, duh) is almost the Worst Thing Ever.

But having read oh-so-much internet discussion of that Hoarders show (I can't help it, I can't look away, plus it's so motivating in making you want to clean your own house), I have come to the conclusion that even declawing your cat is not as bad as being a Lazy Slob. Really. Pedophilia, spousal abuse, meth addiction, none of it even comes close as being truly horrible as not scrubbing out your toilets, hanging up your clothes, and washing the dishes *simply because you can't be arsed*. If you have a "legitimate" excuse for this--you're an OCD hoarder, you have fibromyalgia, your husband died 5 months ago and you're deeply depressed--well, maybe you're only Mussolini, not Hitler, but the suspicion is hanging over your head that that's only an excuse and you are in reality a Lazy Slob. And so, Hitler after all.

I find this all very amusing, because as you all know, I freely admit to being lazy, and while it's something that I struggle with somewhat, I think it's *far* from my worst character flaw. If someone were to throw it in my face as an insult, I'd be all, "Uh, yeah, I know I'm lazy. What's your point?"

On the other hand, your citizens of the internet take pride in "being a bitch." That is not, apparently, a flaw or something to be ashamed of or avoided. Meanness has, in 2009 America, been conflated with strength, so the nastier you are capable of being, the more you can apparently take pride in yourself. I find that all very amusing as well.

Now I'ma throw some things out. Peace!


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