Saturday, October 3, 2009

oh, chickens

I wish I had a good excuse about why I haven't been blogging, but frankly I just haven't had anything to say. I do have a bunch of reviews I could do, considering I spent a lot of my recuperative time the end of last week watching DVDs, but eh. Can't be bothered. I will say, I had never previously seen Anne Hathaway in anything but that "the devil wears Prada" movie, and to my surprise, she can kind of act. Who knew?

The Red Sox have been boring as hell. In fact, during one of the games this week, Jerry spontaneously said to Don something along the lines of, "So, what have you been up to? Anything new? This game is really boring." I feel ya, man. The playoffs probably won't be boring, but rather, nasty, brutish, and short. Or however the hell that quote goes. But I guess they could surprise me.

And here's how deeply the crazee has been upon me. There's this course I've wanted to take ever since (or even before) I graduated massage school, but I have never felt I've had the money to do it. But I've been thinking about it again. Now, there's more than one organization that teaches it, but basically, it's between $500 and $600 no matter what route you go. And since I haven't seen it offered really locally, there'd be travel and hotel expenses too. Add to that the fact that though my thought is, "oh, I could probably make some money doing that", the reality is, boy and girls, that I am never going to make any money that involves me selling and promoting myself. I am whatever the opposite of business-minded is.

So here's where the crazee comes in. I just gave you a whole long paragraph about why doing this course would be ill-advised, right? Well, you want to know the *real* reason I ruled out taking it in NYC at the end of November? I've heard too many stories lately about how even the nice hotels in NYC have been having a bedbug problem, and I know, I know, that the way my anxiety is right now, I would spend my entire trip convinced I had them, and then come home to obsessively scratch whilst washing, bleaching, and fumigating everything I own in a panic. And that panic would last weeks. I'd probably psychosomatically break out in a rash too.

So I guess my abnormal brain chemistry is good for something: saving me a thousand bucks I would never recoup no matter what I tell myself.


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