Wednesday, March 18, 2009


It's amazing how giving someone a massage, having tea and gossip, and then going for a walk on (what I will hazard to call) the first real spring day with a good friend and the nicest dog in the world will do for a person's pissy internet-fueled mood. In other words, I'm much better now.

Did you all have a lovely day too? I can only hope.



crispix67 said...

It didnt start out good, but ended with a wonderful yoga class and some yummy coconut milk gelato, so, yes, i did have a good day, thanks for asking! :)

malevolent andrea said...

Coconut milk gelato sounds like one of those things that would definitely make a day better :-) I'll need to try me some of that.

Uncle said...

Kinda late, but it was nice enough to take my sick brain outdoors and for a walk in the woods. The office cleaning people won't love me, for this is the season when one discovers why the second name of the nearby wild area is "Swamp." Never mind: there were early buds and singing birds.

malevolent andrea said...

Are we agreeing that it was the first real spring day then? I'm counting it!