Friday, March 27, 2009

friday wrap-up and linkorama

1.) Is it wrong that I just want to wear yoga pants every single day now? It's a step up from actual sweatpants or scrubs. C'mon now.

2.) Okay, is it wrong that we're all out of milk and I'm too lazy to go to the store and get some? Okay, is it wrong that I was earlier at the 7-eleven and didn't buy the milk, because I had too much damn stuff to carry already, like the can of coffee from CVS, that only *I* will partake of? I'm giving back my Gandhi card.

3.) If you saw the following linked elsewhere on the interwebs today, my apologies. However, if you haven't, you will thank me later.

4.) I want rain boots! Do you like these? And, more importantly, do they go with yoga pants?

5.) I'm sick of articles about Facebook and the pitfalls of Facebook. Shut.Up. And even *I* am not self-absorbed enough for Twitter, so how scary must the people who actually do it be?



Uncle said...

Doncha think that skull and crossbones thing is just a bit strange on a white background? Sort of reverse Goth?

But why not with yoga pants?

malevolent andrea said...

I dunno. They're cute girly ironic skulls and crossbones. Or something. I like 'em. They'd be part of my ongoing plan to refuse to dress like a grownup up until the point (coming soon!) where I transition from immature and quirky to crazy old woman with cats who has toppled over the fashion line into "bag lady."

I saw some really cute rain boots with koi on them last year and did not buy, and now I can't find them anymore. Who knew rain boot styles were so fleeting?

And, obviously, I think everything goes w/ yoga pants so that's why I need help. And guidance.

Craig H said...

Yoga pants, fine, but it's the microfibre undies that always makes the ensemble. (Or lack thereof). As for milk, anyone who feels that strongly about it should be getting their own, preferably from an all-organic local operation that low-heat pasteurizes their all-natural quarts and sells them in those heavy clear glass bottles. Mmmm... I think I need to get to the store...

malevolent andrea said...

I am *so* disappointed no one wants to discuss sex-with-dead-presidents art. Do you people not enjoy kulture?!? :-)

Anonymous said...

Well, J and I both found the naked Presidents more than a little disturbing. Especially since some of our early presidents were apparently to somewhat kinky. Who knew?

Besides, I have it on good authority that Honest Abe just hated getting head. So the work fails on historical grounds.

However, I think this article in today's Globe, "Shock theater has lost its value" pretty much sums up shock art, too:

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, pshaw. Nobody doesn't like a good blowjob, even Mr Lincoln. I think the historical record's been tampered with!

Unknown said...

Oh wait...I thought the topic was "sex FOR dead presidents," which is entirely different.

malevolent andrea said...


It took me awhile to get that one.