Monday, March 23, 2009

minty freshness

So, as a result of the container garden post (see comments thereof), Mr Indemnity and I were having a little e-mail exchange this afternoon, my side of which was, basically, "If I get the mint to grow, mojito experimentation *all summer* at my house, woohoo!" and "What's a mint julip, anyway?"

Mr Indemnity, as is his wont, used his amazing google-fu to send me a couple of mint julip links. Wikipedia helpfully told me that in a mint julip, the mint leaves should be "only lightly bruised." Mr Indemnity, as is also his wont, told me I was a sick, sick individual for finding that extremely amusing.

I protest! Highly! Tell me you don't think it's hilarious. C'mon now.



Craig H said...

julEp ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

Spellcheck flagged it, but after the whole calzone debacle, I just thought they were fucking with me again.


Anonymous said...

Hey, "calzone" is an Italian word. You can't expect an American spellchecker to get that right. Where do you think you are, Florence?

On the other hand, julep is a redblooded Southern All-American word that has something to do with horses. I'd trust my spellchecker there.

[Well, ok, it's actually from Middle Persian (gulab = rosewater), via Persian, via Arabic, via Medieval Latin, via Old French, via Middle English, where it meant a sugar syrup. But that's kind of like an All-American English word involving horses, right?]

[Oh, and the fact that the second current definition is "A sweet syrupy drink, especially one to which medicine can be added" makes me suspect that mint should only be getting bruised for me inside a mojito.]

[And the other fact, that in the 17th C. a julep was "Something to cool or assuage the heat of passion" pretty much removes the whole point, don't you think?]

malevolent andrea said...

Mint gulabs at Andrea's FTW!!!!!

Uncle said...

Or at Gulab Gulab?

I would be an even more outrageous liar than usual if I didn't agree that the "lightly bruised" leaves are hysterical...makes the drink even more appropriate.

Anonymous said...

You should really balance your green mojitos and juleps with another honestly green drink: caipirinhas. A drink that is definitely not a girlie drink (unless you're a Brazilian girlie).

Have to grow your own limes, though, so better get planting. :-)

malevolent andrea said...

Now I want to open my own bar/cafe, which I shall call the Gulab Gulab, and on my cocktail menu there will be mint jul_e_ps. Except on *my* menu, they will be called JLAs, "only lightly bruised."

I do not think there will be caipirinhas at my house this summer, however, since that would involve not only growing limes, but fermenting sugarcane in my bathtub, and you all know I like to take baths.