Monday, March 9, 2009

things that please and displease me

1.) When I go to Gulu Gulu and order a hot chocolate with a shot of Bailey's, they charge me only for the Bailey's, even though the hot chocolate is very fancy with real whipped cream and chocolate dustings and all. This pleases me. Also, the adorable little waitress there yesterday (not ours) who was wearing what looked like a vintage spandex minidress from 1988 with lace tights and little pointy-toed flats, an outfit I may have totally rocked myself when I was her age. And she didn't even have to have the embarrassing 80s hair to go with, so she wins. See, this is totally the universe's way of giving me pretty-women-in-cool-clothes eye candy to make up for my disappointment in watching old movies that suck. This pleases me as well.

2.) When I went for a walk at the beach with Mr Indemnity to take advantage of the warmish weather and the daylight savings time, I ran for a little bit just because I wanted to and it felt awesome. And I was able to do this even without the benefit of the sports bra because I had a down vest on over my hoodie, keeping everything nicely smooshed down. This pleases me.

3.) Zappos have redesigned their website and it looks aggressively ugly and cheap. Plus it's kind of wonky. Why go from a website that looked fine and worked well to one that is inferior? Plus, I'm sure you paid someone lots of money to make that mess. It defies comprehension. And it displeases me.

4.) There is apparently some kind of black hole or portal to another dimension in my house into which things fall and never are seen again. I bought some deep conditioner a month or so ago, used it twice or maybe three times, then used a sample of another deep conditioner they gave me at Aveda, which was only enough for a couple usages, and when I went to look for conditioner #1, it is no longer in my bathroom, no matter how hard I look. How does a bottle of conditioner just vanish? I do not carry it around with me, take it to work or on little outings so it can visit its old friends at the CVS. It is a puzzlement. It displeases me.

That is all. Happy Monday!



Anonymous said...

You should attach little radio tracking devices to all your socks. Then, when one of your socks goes missing, as they all eventually do, you can use your tracking radio to find the black hole portal into which all of your missing items are disappearing.

Though having recently seen Coraline, I'd have some trepidation about actually entering that portal to bring your things back.

P.S. Check around your baseboards. Just sayin' ;-)

Uncle said...

Just think of things that disappear as offerings to Basement Cat. You'll be safer that way.

malevolent andrea said...

I bought another (identical) bottle of conditioner yesterday. It's a tossup whether this means I'll find the first one or whether Basement Cat will demand this one as well.

But obviously no good can come of it.