Friday, March 20, 2009

things and stuff

1.) Be glad I did *not* end up dismembered and littered in green plastic trash bags along the side of some local road this morning. It coulda happened. (Getting to work extremely early on Friday mornings continues to be, shall we say, "an adventure." And not the kind we prefer to write about here.)

2.) For the first time since I started acupuncture in December, I had a major anxiety attack the other night. I had been quite tempted to cancel Marcy for next week, because I'm really busy in and out of work, but now I guess I shall keep my appointment.

3.) M2 and I were discussing our...tiredness...with the whole breast cancer lobby. It's not as if there are not a whole hell of a lot of other diseases that a.) affect a whole hell of a lot of people and b.) could use publicity and research dollars, but now it's pink ribbons and pink this and that, and we are weary of their (well-organized, I'll grant you) asses getting all the attention. As I pointed out, the tv commercial that really gets to me, is the one where the woman says, "I dream of a world without breast cancer." It always makes me say, aloud, "Yeah and in a world without breast cancer, you're just gonna die of something else. Seriously." Life is fatal. Not that I'm not glad breast cancer is treatable these days or that I would want anyone I know, including myself, to be stricken with it, but you know. I think you know. And, yes, voicing thoughts like that is what's gonna give me the kind of karma that leaves me dismembered in plastic trash bags. I know that too.

4.) Oh, never mind.



crispix67 said...

Well, I guess I'll be joining you in those plastic bags because Im sick of seeing those commercials too. The pink lovefest just makes me want to puke.

Wheres the Alzheimers,MS,Diabetes,Heart Disease,Drunk Driving 3 day love fests??

malevolent andrea said...

Yeah, like fer instance the pink KitchenAid mixer for breast cancer just kills me. Why the hell, if my appliance buying dollars are going to be co-opted for charity, can I not choose to buy a blue one for lung cancer or a green one for schizophrenia or a chartreuse one for rheumatoid arthritis?

Plus the whole concept that it's *pink* ribbons and *pink* mixers and *pink* everything because gurls like pink and gurls have boobs makes me want to puke.

Anonymous said...

I think it's time for you to investigate high reflectivity hoodies for your early morning commuting needs.

Perhaps one in bright fluorescent pink?

Do they already have a color for prostate cancer?

Though apparently, you're better off not doing much about it anyway:

malevolent andrea said...

If they made a pink KitchenAid for *prostate cancer*, I would totally buy one (even though I *have* a KitchenAid already) because THAT, my friends, would be badass.

Uncle said...

This failed last night but I'll try again. I think the proper colour for prostate cancer would be, ahem, cream.

During a clinical convo yesterday the subject of what is the leading killer of women came up. It's heart disease, but I'll bet most people would answer breast cancer. This is the disadvantage of marketing disease causes.

malevolent andrea said...

Bwah! I literally LOL'd.

I would totally wear a cream-colored ribbon for prostate cancer. Someone needs to get on this!