Sunday, March 29, 2009

quick hit

I firmly maintain that I have no control-freak tendencies at all. However, my son just helped me put away groceries and despite his asking "what cabinet do you want this in?" whenever he wasn't sure, I totally had to go back and rearrange where on the shelves he put things.

There is something wrong with me.

That is all.



Craig H said...

OCD and control-freak are not the same thing. Any engineer can tell you about proper placement of just about everything in this world, from cabinet groceries to socks by color in the sock drawer. (Browns to the left, blacks to the right, and blues on either side of the middle depending on which accent colors might be found in them).

Control freakiness is when you are compelled to have something to say about somebody ELSE's cabinets.

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, I'm so glad I haven't actually ever looked in your sock drawer :-)

But you are absolutely right. There may be something wrong with me, but I'm not compelled to rearrange *other people's* groceries, so there is that.