Thursday, March 19, 2009


That's what I watched last night. Very lightweight pleasant trifle of a movie, which might have been better had any of the characters been someone I could really give a crap about. I was struck, though, by how much I enjoyed the early 90s nostalgia--the (objectively good) music, the (objectively bad) clothes.

I really have no idea why I'm so fond of that era, considering I was massively clinically depressed throughout most of that time and so very, very lonely--more than now even!--and confused about how my life had gotten to that point with crappy decisions and a rejection of who I really was inside. My neighborhood was getting scarier by the day, my beloved grandmother died, I was afraid of becoming involved with a guy for fear of picking a clone of my ex-husband all over again. And my work life was blighted by this girl (and she was just a girl) that M1 and I had working for us, who was a lying, stealing, sociopathic borderline personality who we gave second chance after second chance to because she was smart and funny and very young and we felt bad for her. Jesus Christ. I even hung out with her outside work on occasion (see: very very lonely) but you can believe I counted the silverware when she left my house.

So, yeah, anyway, why I would love to wear jeans with ripped out knees, a bodysuit, and a flannel while I sit in front of my primitive computer and write dark, dark stories where no happy ending is ever possible, while Soundgarden plays in the background, I don't know! But there you have it. Nostalgia is a funny thing.



Anonymous said...

But Singles was released in 1992... so does it count as nostalgia if the styles, music, actual functioning economy were a depiction of its contemporary culture, not a look back at an earlier/simple/better/funkier/more danceable time?

You know you could write dark, dark stories without feeling dark... I mean, I bet every time Steven King starts to get down he just logs in to his online banking system, starts counting the many zeros, and starts chuckling.

Unless he gave all his money to Bernie Madoff... if so I don't want to think what his next book will be like.

malevolent andrea said...

What? No. It would only *not* be nostalgia if we were actually watching it in 1992. In which case, the knees of my jeans would already be ripped out. Try to keep up, wouldja? :-) :-)

malevolent andrea said...

Of course, I lied, because if it were really 1992, I wouldn't be typing at my primitive computer, I'd be typing on my "word processor" typewriter. hahaha