Tuesday, December 9, 2008

stick needles in me

So, I saw my new favorite health care provider this afternoon. It was *very* relaxing and very interesting, but there was no moxibustion, alas. I'm wondering if there will ever be any moxibustion, considering most of my problems--anxiety, menstrual irregularities, that rash (!), even the new onset of acid reflux I mentioned in passing--are, in the Chinese medicine way of thinking, due to excess "heat".

My diagnosis: yin deficiency, spleen deficiency, and minor imbalances of my heart and lung meridians. And our Mr Barma can take a bow, because he was the one who, upon being forced to examine my rash (yes, that's the kind of friend I am, the kind who insists on showing you her disgusting skin conditions, probably before you've eaten), said, "You should find out what meridian that's over!" Okay, he said it facetiously, sorta, but Marcy would still say he's wicked smaht, because it was exactly right over my spleen meridian. That being, apparently, the root of all my problems.

I've gotta do more research on this now, but I will say this. They, and by they I mean acupuncturists, place great store on what your tongue looks like. Good god, another part of my body to be self-conscious about. I bet you've never worried about yours!



Anonymous said...

I pretty much only worry about how well my tongue will perform...

Otherwise, I figure a tongue's a tongue. Just that some are more limber than others. :-PPPPPP

Anonymous said...

It occurs to me that if you only vented your spleen more often, it would probably be working just fine today. ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

You would not believe, but they have a tongue *atlas*! Page after page of full-color pictures of tongues of every shape, color, coating, pattern of grooves/cracks therein, etc. A tongue is apparently not just a tongue.

And, in the continuing TMI portion of this blog, I'll just mention that mine had a bit of a white coating only on the sides, a very pink middle, and it's a little puffier than it should ideally be. So there.

malevolent andrea said...

The other thing I forgot to mention is that my yin defiency is "empty heat" rather than "full heat." Which is totally different. :-)

This shit is so interesting :-)