Sunday, December 7, 2008

merry kitschmas


Uncle said...

Ah, but you've never seen the ceramic, two-foot tall Christmas tree inherited from my mo-in-law. I suggest that it owns the holiday kitsch award until the end of time.
My Festivus pole has more style,

And anyway, the arrangements with the red chair, mirror and sconces, and the table setting have, you might say, promise. Don't sell yourself short :)

(There I go, enabling again!)

malevolent andrea said...

Is your ceramic Xmas tree the kind that lights up?!?? Because those *are* classic. Bonus points if your m-i-l made it herself in "ceramics class"!

My "foyer" (hahaha) has been tweaked. My discounted Pottery Barn dream and wish pillows are in the red chair now, even though they don't exactly fit correctly. And my beautiful, beautiful white tree continues to dazzle with its fabulousness. (Um, and if you noticed there really aren't any ornaments on the bottom quarter of the tree? It's not due to my horrible, horrible laziness. Evil Kitty carries them off to the kitchen at her earliest opportunity.)