Thursday, December 18, 2008

here's the thing(s)...

1.) Do you realize that when you google "construction studs" you don't just get gay porn? It gives me faith in the wholesomeness of America, or y'know, our ability to build houses. Something like that.

2.) I was thinking that as much as I love (cherish, hold dear to my tiny, tiny black heart) your blog comments, dear blog readers, I really dislike anonymous commentary. Even when it's not untoward. I feel like "have the fucking balls to post under your alias," ahahahaha. Ha.

3.) Actual content will reappear in this blog *any day now.* Or at least some time before 2009. Maybe.

4.) Do you think Marcy has manipulated my chi back into giddiness? Goat cheese paninis are cheaper but they aren't backed by 5000 years of medical tradition.


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