Monday, February 11, 2008

teeny tiny Red Sox thoughts

Oh, it's getting closer. I can smell it. Mmmmm, baseball season.

Till then, a few wee remarks. First of all, on Saturday I was eligible to *try* to buy Red Sox-Yankees tickets online. Try being the operative word. I was in work Saturday and spent four, count 'em four, hours with the "virtual waiting room" refreshing itself on my computer, and nevah evah obtained the privilege of *giving them my fucking money*. I mean, c'mon now.

Secondly, big props to Mr Indemnity for alerting me to the picture of Manny with 110 lb dumbbells in each hand in Saturday's paper. I honestly think the La Leche League needs to recruit him as a spokesman. "Breastfeed your kid till he's four and just *look* at what a fine, strapping young man he'll grow up to be! Without any added HGH! And look at that head of hair, too!" Oh, Manny Manny, I kid because I love.

Finally, yay Youk for your big raise. I'm sure your golddigger girlfriend/fiance isn't going anywhere now, darlin'.



Craig H said...

What? No updates on/from the shill/Schill?

My fave offseason story so far is Debbie Clemens takin' it in the patootie so she could look good for the swimsuit issue with Rog. So funny that the best alibi the two of them have been able to come up with is that Roger *didn't* go to one of Jose's Tupperware parties. (Honorable mention to ridiculing McNamee for saving the syringes, while immediately finding the receipts for greens fees from a half dozen years ago).

Nope, these people are not like you and me, though, I suppose, I can only speak first-hand for me.

You've been looking awfully good lately, Andrea. Who's your dealer?

malevolent andrea said...

Ah, yes, obviously I am just a few injections away from six-pack abs. hahaha

And, actually, on the news this morning they said that Mrs Clemens was getting her shots in her actual stomach, not her butt. (Okay, so, it was on Fox news, so it was probably wrong, but still.)

I dunno. I actually am not needle phobic at all and generally like watching when I get blood drawn and so forth, but the thought of getting injections into one's actual abdomen, voluntarily, kinda squicks me right out. I mean, ewww.

Uncle said...

I so like the idea that it was the first time Debbie did this stuff. Got that body bing! all at once eh?

Nice to see Daisuke-san showing up early. Evidently some athletes learn from experience and aren't bowed by adversity. Think he'll do better this time?

malevolent andrea said...

So did you hear the Andy Pettit stuff today? About how after Roger admitted using HGH to him, he later backpedaled and said, "no, no, you misunderstood, it was Debbie who was using it." hahaha

This story just cannot get any funnier.

Craig H said...

Well, I still think it could, but it'd take Arlen Specter accusing Rog of sabotaging the Iggles last Super Bowl appearance to do it. (Come to think of it, I haven't seen Rog produce greens fee receipts for that day yet...)

malevolent andrea said...

What?!? He probably has some. :-)

(I'm still laughing...)