Tuesday, December 11, 2007

ellipsis abuse

I'll knock it off. I promise.



Craig H said...

wasn't it a discussion on ellipsis that got us started all those years ago?

malevolent andrea said...

That was one of the earliest online conversations that sparked our friendship, but it wasn't the very first. Our first conversation was based on a bit of embarrassing 80s pop culture reminiscing on my part. About someone who was from your hometown.

And that's all the clues I'm giving.

Craig H said...

Billy!!! And you know he's still gay, right? ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

You're hurting me. You're hurting me very deeply.

Anonymous said...

Ummm... Aside from stepping in on a private conversation...

What ellipsis abuse?

I don't even see much ellipsis use except for Sunday's music to depress yourself by blog...

Did I miss a lot o' dots somewhere?

malevolent andrea said...

There are two blog titles in a row with ellipses. It seemed like overkill, if not ouright abuse.

Sorta like you just did on purpose.

Anonymous said...

Who... said... I... ever... used... ellipses... on... purpose?

I'm just a slow... talker...

Or a very... efficient... summarizer...

(I'd long thought that in Through The Looking Glass the line at the end of one chapter and the title at the beginning of the next were something like:

feeling sure that they must be...

...Tweedledum and Tweedledee

So I've used that ellipsis wordplay more than once online, only to find, in my newly acquired Annotated Alice that the ellipses are not, in fact, in the text at all. I just imagined them cause it seemed to carry the connection from one page to the next much better.)

Uncle said...

But you do use them in their proper place. I, alas, have been accused of staring my conversation, and even my day, with an ellipsis. It's a cruel world out there in language land.

malevolent andrea said...

:-) Aw, starting your day out with an ellipsis sounds fabulous. I'm picturing it even as we speak.