Tuesday, December 25, 2007

best of '07, movie version

My favorite movies of 2007, in no particular order:

Gone, Baby, Gone

Eastern Promises

This is England

With an honorable mention to 28 Weeks Later, which might seriously have made it into the top three if only I had ever yet made it to the end of the DVD without falling asleep. (Watching zombie movies in bed knocks me out. Go figure.) But the action sequence at the beginning of that movie? Just fabulous.

And, okay, if forced to make a choice, I'd go with This is England as my top pick, if only because it successfully deposited me into a whole nother world I knew nothing about.



Anonymous said...

Hey, according to the people at Boskone depositing you into a different world you know nothing about would automatically make that Science Fiction.

At least they claimed that Deadwood qualified on that criteria. Personally, I'm sorta thinking they're reaching on that... a slightly historical movie/TV series with nothing the least bit supernatural or otherwise non-reality based (aside from the the quality of the dialogue) really doesn't qualify as SF no matter how much one might like it. Which is true for both Deadwood and This is England.

I'll also point out that you saw all of your top three movies of the year with me. And while you can't stay awake for 28 Weeks Later you had no trouble staying awake for that other recent zombie movie you saw, I Am Legend...

Leading me to the obvious conclusion that the quality and/or wakefulness quotient of a movie for you is pretty much determined by whether I'm in the seat next to you. Keep that fact in mind for all your quality cinema viewing experiences. :p

Very disappointed that Borat didn't make your best of list, though, since it met the basic criterion. :p

I need to get a look at some top ten lists myself just to remind me of what were the good movies of the year, so I can come up with my own set. My sieve like memory lets me down again, not that I have an issue with any item on your list!

malevolent andrea said...

Of course I saw all those movies with you. Everyone else I know is a Philistine (like me) and waits for the DVD. :-) Which I know pains you greatly.

But, seriously, Borat was 2007? I thought that was December 2006, because I thought I remember coming back to school after Christmas break and talking about it w/ G. But it must have been some time in January, huh?

Anonymous said...

In the immortal words of Emily Littella, "Nevermind!"

Just checked it out on IMDB and Borat was indeed released in 2006--3 November 2006 according to a site with the same accuracy as Wikipedia. I'll blame my sieve-like memory again.

However, all your "best ofs" not only involved me, they also involved a movie theater. That just goes to show that movies really are better on the big screen... seated next to me! :p

Wait for the DVD and you'll end up four months behind, so your best ofs of 2007 will really be the best of 2007 -4 months, which really puts you out of the main flow of cinematic criticism.

malevolent andrea said...

Well, obviously my memory's off too, since I must *not* have seen it over Christmas break last year. We saw it pretty soon after it opened, because I remember how crowded the theater was. Not the first weekend, maybe, but the second? I dunno.

N-E-way, I don't know *how* I'm going to do the rest of my year's bests, because I don't think any of the books I read this year were actually published in 2007. And my TV watching is heavy on the VH1 countdowns, HGTV, and Red Sox games, none of which lend themselves to actual reviewing. :-)

Anonymous said...

I think you're right, it was really early, could even have been the first weekend, with all the good reviews and the people sitting in the aisles. But I distinctly remember us walking all over Back Bay before we walked to the Boston Common Theater, so it must have been a warmish day for November.

I think you should review the Red Sox and discuss how much better they would have done if they'd had Pedro, Johnny Damon, and Rocketman "Steroid" Clemens and if they hadn't had Eric "Steroid" Gag-me and Julio Lugo.

Also, you could rush to a bookstore and buy several books with a 2007 copyright while there's still time.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Restaurant Reviews. You could review the best meals, drinks, and bars of the year.

Bet Steak and Eggs and drinking in prison would both be right up there. :)