Sunday, December 23, 2007

more andrea advice

1.) Attempting to do yoga while the cat is awake is probably a bad bad idea. Actually, it's definitely a bad idea. Unless, of course, you find having your exposed armpits kneaded on a pleasant experience.

2.) If you run a red light because you are in such a hurry to get into the effing Walmart parking lot, you are probably taking the last minute Christmas shopping a little bit too seriously. Please refrain from endangering my, and your own, life. The cheap poorly-made Chinese merchandise will still be there in ninety seconds. I promise.

3.) Just assume--if you're a woman of childbearing age, that is--that you'll get your period for every major holiday, every vacation, and every time you want to have sex with someone you haven't seen for a long time, whether it's actually due or not. This will not save you from being incredibly irritated when it happens, but it'll save you from being surprised.


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