Tuesday, December 11, 2007

just another ten pages...

or so.

I'm helping D fill out some paperwork that the Commonwealth has requested and, I swear to god, I am having a huge anxiety attack. I don't know what exactly I think is going to happen to us if I do this wrong or miss a question or whatever. As far as I can tell, they'll just send it back and ask for more info. But dealing with faceless bureaucracy and filling out many, many page forms in which there are numerous questions that don't seem pertinent or answerable makes me break out in hives.

I know you feel really bad for me.



Craig H said...

I never had test anxiety in school, and I swear half my success was due to nothing more complicated than that. But in the years since I've ran afoul of my share of improperly-completed bureaucratic forms, and my fill-in-the-blank confidence has been roundly shaken. (My latest adventure is corresponding with the good folks at "Chex Systems" over the mysterious misuse of my SSN at a branch of Chevy Chase Bank in Forestville, NY, which proves nothing if not that bureaucracies can screw with you even when it's somebody else filling out the paperwork. I'm sure this isn't helping your anxiety attack for the moment, but just know that you aren't alone.

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, you don't even know. Every time something about identity theft comes on the TV, I'm like "lalala, I can't hear you" and "what is the matter with these people? don't they know I have an anxiety disorder? why are they giving me more things to be paranoid about?"

The idea of my SSN being misused is enough to push me past the hives right into hyperventilating :-)

Craig H said...

Citi's been offering a 3rd party credit-checking service attached to their cards that'll alert you whenever your info gets used anywhere, even if just for an inquiry, for just $14 a month. I used to regard such offers as barely-disguised dodges intended to pick people's credit card pockets more rapidly, just like late fees, only now I don't see it quite that same way anymore. $14 a month... $168 a year... And I'll know the minute some lowlife punk (more likely some white-collared prep, but that's neither here nor there) tries to order an unauthorized big screen TV from Best Buy on my dime. (Because I'M the only one around here to be buying big screen TV's on my credit, tyvm).

When ya ain't got so much, it means ya gotta look after it just that much more carefully. Anybody laboring under the yoke of alimony can tell ya that. ;-)

Uncle said...

$168 a year...hmm. My card tells me if anything looks scwewy for nothing, and I'm damn glad they do: they picked up on an identity theft dodge within 12 hours and held all the debits for the past month until we could verify them.

Hint: ALWAYS pay cash at a restaurant.