Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Have you heard about this? People who don't eat meat who only sleep with other people who also don't eat meat are now calling themslves vegansexual. I think my eyes just rolled so far back in my head I saw my optic nerve.

Go ahead. Google it. I dare you. You'll find gems like (paraphrasing) "I couldn't be intimate with someone whose body is made up of dead animals." Wow, my optic nerve is looking pretty hot. Has it lost weight?

I guess the question that begs asking is whether vegans swallow. I mean, even if their partner's body isn't composed of dead animals who died solely for their selfish and immoral appetites, that's still animal protein.

Why, yes, I am procrastinating on finishing that paperwork. Why do you ask?



Anonymous said...

And what about cunnilingus? Plenty of human animal can be ingested in that setting as well.

Uncle said...

But not if you spit ;)

Craig H said...

Personally, I think this is a good thing, since it'll save me the remorse of accidentally fornicating outside my species.

malevolent andrea said...

Yeah! because when you fornicate outside your species, you wanna do it purposely and with intent :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm very intent on something cute and wooly... ;)