Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"The Year of Living Biblically"

Great book. I laughed, I cried...

No, actually, I just laughed. And learned a bunch of stuff I didn't know. And whizzed through the book in one night. And heard about a couple of movements that I was unaware of, or only vaguely aware of, but which will, I'm sure, lead to googling and possibly future blog topics. (That's a teaser!)

I will say, here and now, that the book kicked in some guilt about what I'd consider one of my bigger moral failings, namely that I don't give enough to charity. I have a lot of mental excuses about money being relatively tight (though, obviously, much less so over the past couple months) but obviously I'm spending money on things I "need" like $2o camis and $11 cases of iced tea, when I could be giving it to people who really are in need.


1 comment:

Craig H said...

Dharma is where you find it. Teach people to fish, and all that. If you heal with your hands, then heal with your hands. Nobody said you didn't deserve a nice cami to wear while doing it.
