Thursday, September 20, 2007

quickie post

Can I just say that while it appears that Phoebe Cates and I now have the same haircut:

it's a damn shame that's all she and I have in common.



Craig H said...

Well, I could stand next to you and out-Kline Kline, and you'd have that going for you too... ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

Quick! How long will it take you to grow that impressive facial hair? :-)

In the meanwhile, you all can make soothing comments about how I too could have a body like Phoebe's at age 44 and post kid-having if only I had a movie star for a husband. Oh, yeah, and if I had had the genetic endowment to be a model in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Given that I've been in love with Phoebe Cates since Fast Times at Ridgemont High (and that was decades before I found out she's Jewish) I think the fact that she's stealing your hairstyle is something of a compliment.

Definitely could have done without the underthings, though. (She really doesn't look like she's aged in a quarter century, does she?).

In Googling for more Phoebe pics, I found a cache of paparazzi shots of her and Kevin Kline from the past couple of years, and my rival's current Three Musketeers facial hair is a big improvement. Only a couple years ago he had a wild grey beard that looked a lot like Robin Williams playing a homeless drunk. Sure hope that was for a part... but visual evidence seems to indicate that Mrs. Kline does like us bearded guys, so it gives me both hope and an even greater appreciation of her many charms.

malevolent andrea said...

Can I point out that besides being Jewish, Ms. Cates is, like someone else you (used to) know, part Filipino? So maybe you're just all about the half-Filipino women. You should investigate that further.:-)