Sunday, September 30, 2007

puttin' the T in BEST

Several months ago I had to take this mandatory BEST class at work. Basically, it was a poor man's version of the Myers-Briggs, and since I already knew I'm an INTP, I was not very surprised to learn I'm a T (technical) in the BEST system. In my defense, just as my T and F are close in the Myers-Briggs, making me not as socially clueless, tactless, and borderline-Aspergers as your stronger INTP might be, I was a "low" T.

(Can I just interrupt myself here to say that I love love love stronger INTPs than me and recognize them instantly? Like my friends LV and KC. I automatically heart people like LV and KC, because they say aloud what I'm only thinking, thus serving as the ids to my superego. In any group situation, this is ideal for me, since my unpopular opinions get aired without my ever having to look like the asshole. Genius. Higher INTPs rock.)

Anyway, in the BEST training, our instructor told us she was going to tell us one secret to remember about each type that would be invaluable in dealing with them. What she said about us Ts is that we secretly think we're smarter than everyone else. And I was like, Really? Secretly? Because I don't think I do that good a job at, y'know, hiding it.

So what brings this up today? Well, in the Sunday Globe, there's an article about how the narcissistic kids of today are good for the economy. Or something. I just skimmed it. But in the part I skimmed, there was mention that one of the indicators in the standard narcissism scale is agreement with the statement "The world would be a better place if I ran it." Goddamn it. I say that all the time and I have never considered myself narcissistic in any way. Isn't it normal to think your opinions and ideas are the right ones...or else you'd have other ones? Why would you stick to opinions you suspected were incorrect and faulty? Is it just the T part of my personality that makes me think that? Because I really not-so-secretly think I'm smarter than (most) everyone else?

I'm sticking to the definition of narcissism that A and I were talking about yesterday. People who think *other people's* behavior is all about them. There's an epidemic of this, we've noticed, but I suppose that's another blog post. So I'll just close in insisting I am not narcissistic. I'm just borderline socially retarded.

(That's better, right?)


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