Tuesday, September 25, 2007

hey! leave my spit alone

So, Dan's watching TV and I'm typing, not really listening to what he's got on, when he turns to me and asks, "You've got genes in your spit?"

What I'm thinking: You really did sleep through high school biology, didn't you?

What I say: "Well, yeah, you've got DNA in every one of your cells, so your genes are in your skin, your hair, your spit, everything."

"So someone could clone me from my spit?"

"They can't clone people."

"They can clone sheep. And mice. So when they can clone people, they could clone me from my spit?'

"I suppose."

"They should make cloning humans against the law."

"Why? Are you concerned about someone cloning you from your spit?"

"Well, yeah. I've got some good genes! Someone might want them."

Yes, darlin', you do, and you got them from your mom, so I've only got myself to blame for conversations like this.


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