Sunday, January 4, 2009

unwise decisions

Have you ever made one?

Nah, I'm not talking about the neglect to measure the doorway and then they can't get your new sofa through level unwise decision, nor the take the rent money to Foxwoods level unwise decision, and definitely not the take back your ex who is certain to once again step on your heart with metaphorical steel-toed boots because no one understaaaannnndds you like they do (or because they have a big penis or a fabulous rack or [insert gender appropriate body part of your choice]) level of unwise decision. No. I'm talking about staying up till 2 am watching Good Will Hunting with your spawn, despite the fact that a.) you know you have to get up fairly early the next day and b.) you've seen that movie several times already and c.) you hate Robin Williams with the burning hatred of a thousand suns, except when he's the genie's voice in Aladdin and d.) it's on basic cable so all the swear words are dubbed with ridiculous euphemisms and every 6 minutes there are 5 minutes of commercials. That level of stoopid decision.

I'm hoping my coffee kicks in soon. The next time I feel this groggy at 9 am on a Sunday morning, I want it to be because I stayed up too late drinking champagne or having carnal knowledge of a handsome gentleman. Preferably both.

As I always say, happy Sunday, lovely blog readers!


1 comment:

crispix67 said...

Well..I didnt stay up as late as you but I did have to be up at 6 decision to watch Little Miss Sunshine- which I hadnt seen before- till 11 pm also on cable with the lovely commercials and stoopid overdubs was also an unwise decision.

Coffee is great.

So is a bouncing black lab named Angus taking you for a walk. Good thing hes cute...cause he has wayyyy too much energy for me.LOL