Thursday, January 8, 2009

more thoughts on organ donation

The more I ponder it, the more it occurs to me that giving your spouse a kidney is the ultimate marital bargaining chip.

"Why do I always have to be the one to do the dishes?"
"God. I gave you my kidney, what more do you want from me?"

"I'm not really in the mood tonight, honey."
"I wasn't really in the mood to undergo major surgery and give up one of my vital organs, but I did it, didn't I?"

"Do we *have* to invite your mom for a whole two weeks at Christmas?"
"If it weren't for my sainted mother giving birth to me, I do believe you'd be on dialysis right now. Think about that."

I mean, it probably wouldn't win you every argument, but you'd never be without a comeback line.



Anonymous said...

malevolent andrea...

Let's see, this can be a two-way street -- you write your opinion as an element of Freedom of Speech, so you're beholden to a Veteran for ensuring this 'right' remains intact, right? OK, so you owe the local Veteran's Hospital one day of volunteer service once a month for what many, many Veterans gave to you as a gift -- Freedom is NOT Free, after all.

Anonymous Veteran

malevolent andrea said...

To keep this on-topic: I'm going to the VA right after work today and donating a kidney. Sweartogod!

Uncle said...

Keep your kidney, Andrea. That's not one of the body parts this one needs.