Wednesday, January 21, 2009

so very very pretty, except not

I haven't worn anything but jeans or sweat pants or the close equivalent thereof for a good month, always paired of course with the boots or shoes suitable for slogging through half-frozen slush puddles or clambering over snow banks and usually paired with the ever-so-figure-flattering down jacket. Accessorized with the hat hair, the winter fat (or, as we like to call it, "insulation"), and for three solid weeks now, bloating on top of that. And despite the constant presence of the sensible shoes, I nevertheless manage to soak my feet and/or the bottoms of my pants every freaking day, which just adds to the whole look. To say I feel as unattractive as I possibly could would probably be an understatement.

Now this is a longstanding mid-January problem, except I guess those years that are unseasonably non-snowy and warm, lending me the occasional respite from wearing eight layers of unattractive, completely unfeminine clothing. I remember when I had my old blog, one of my very first posts in it almost exactly 4 years ago addressed the exact same feeling. I remember this because I remember that Mr Barma (in his previous life and alias) took the time to write me a long email encouraging me to exercise outdoors, no matter how much of a pain in the ass it was, because the sunshine, fresh air, and movement would be beneficial to my January mood. He may have even advised me on what kind of long underwear to wear, but I may have just hallucinated that.

Well, today, feeling as ugly as I could possibly feel, and irritated from my errands not going smoothly, I forced myself to walk for almost an hour in the brightly sunny, 20 degree cold. I am not feeling any prettier or less irritated, but I'm sure all the healthy exercise I get is one reason my HDL is 76, baby. So there is that.

And I'm sure spring will be here in like 3 1/2 months. And I'll be able to wear sandals and a dress in only another 4.



Craig H said...

What it is about women that mistakes what we guys are sending as far as signals of approval for their appearance is beyond me. Think of all the extra layers as the equivalent of Christmas present wrapping paper, and that "hat hair" as the attention-grabbing bow on top if that helps. Either way, any time you want to get into a discussion about underwear, long or otherwise, you just let me know!

Anonymous said...

you go outside in sweatpants?

malevolent andrea said...

Yes, Gutless Anonymous Commenter, I certainly do! There's also evidence in this very blog that in nice weather I mow my lawn in Old Navy pj bottoms, which is even worse.