Monday, January 12, 2009

life is...

just one big non sequitor.

1.) Ad on Rate My Space, for some fly-by-night school teaching home staging:

"Earn up to $31.45 per hour." Because $31.50 is completely out of the question.

2.) Conversation overheard in the cafeteria line earlier this afternoon.

Cashier, quizzically, trying to determine what to charge the customer: "What is that?"
Gastricly-abused hospital employee: "I dunno. I just eat it. I have no idea what you people call it."

3.) My doctor, handing me my "poop kit":

"Make sure you put your name on that. You'd be surprised how many we get back unlabeled!"

4.) Comment on Rate My Space:

"Add an orchid or other such contemporary plant." Because no one ever heard of orchids before 2006. I think they were only invented some time around the turn of the century.


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