Monday, January 26, 2009

holy crap! marcy!

So, yesterday when Mr Indemnity and I were leaving the bar where I had that very ill-advised pumpkin martini, I picked up the last copy of stuff@night that was lying on the table in the foyer. Now, as careful readers of this blog will already know, I never actually go out and when I do, it's not to the kind of hip, young, and/or swanky places featured in glossy bi-weekly magazines, but of the multitudes of free reading material available for perusing on the T or looking at in my office between patients, stuff@night is one of my faves. I stuck it in my bag yesterday and then didn't think much of it.

Today, however, while I was flatironing my hair before coming to work (see: tragic tragic dry ends), I took it out and started flipping through it. It was the Boston Bodies issue, about working out and so forth. Most of it was taken up with their feature on "the best bodies in Boston." And there, on page 32, was my acupuncturist Marcy. (Sans shirt but with nothing untoward uncovered, of course.) I was like, OMG! I know her! On the one hand, this is very cool, and I guess I'm not totally surprised. She's sort of extroverted. On the other hand, unexpectedly coming across a photo of one of your healthcare providers wearing nothing but yoga bottoms is something that doesn't exactly happen every day.

I'd recommend you all go out and look at this yourselves, so the image of my wicked in-shape acupuncturist will be affixed in your mind every time I talk about her, but the reason, apparently, there was only one copy of this left in that bar, is that it's the Jan 13-26th issue, and probably today they've all been replaced everywhere with the next issue. Day late and a dollar short as usual.


Addendum! No, wait, it's online:


Uncle said...

Nice: no split ends, either :p

malevolent andrea said...

We can all learn from her! :-)