Thursday, January 8, 2009

from the "people behaving badly" files

Did you see this little news item? A doctor from Long Island, enmeshed in a messy divorce, is demanding recompense for the kidney he gave his wife back in 2001. Since he doesn't actually expect the organ *back*, he wants $1.5 million instead.

If I were his ex, I'd buy a kidney on the black market for 75 thou (kidnap victims in Mexico are cheap, yo) and have it delivered to his house in a cooler. Kinda like how UPS brought me my Christmas meat!

No, you know the sad thing here? They've got three children, 8, 11, and 14. Do you think those kids aren't gonna have issues from dad suing mom for donated body parts?

Jesus wept.



crispix67 said...

Im sure if Jesus was around in these modern times hed be weeping uncontrollably.


Id go to the butcher and get a cow kidney and have it wrapped even.Big ol red bow and a nice card saying "Here ya go, asshole"


This is why I hate being human. LOL

Craig H said...

Am I the only one who wants to give the guy at least *some* slack for having donated in the first place? (Though we can all agree he's an idiot for ever thinking he was ever going to get any credit for it, and, yeah, I just got back from the courthouse this morning where I was once again asking the judge for the privilege of giving my ex yet more money, and, yeah, if you think that seems like it must be a typo, I'd agree with you, but, seriously, that's exactly what I was doing, and, believe me, it is not always easy to be the one bled dry by the process in favor of someone else who really hasn't done anything to deserve it in quite a long time, let alone never anything to the extent of donating critically needed body parts, but, as usual, I digress...)

malevolent andrea said...

Oh, dear. I insensitively picked the wrong day to mock bitter divorcing people. Sorry, Mr Barma!

I suggest (and this might just be my readjusted chi talking) that you just think of every penny you pay that woman as a fee towards being able to enjoy "sunset over the mountain foothills in spring" totally without fetter or guilt, and thus, well worth it.

Craig H said...

Not a woman on the web with a better way with words! (But why no fetters?)

malevolent andrea said...

Bwah. You typed that with a straight face, didn't you? :-)

I think "without fetter" is different than "without fetters." (And, btw, they're both different than "without feta.") Fine shades of meaning!

Uncle said...

You should all avoid making old geezers laugh so hard after supper.

Srsly ;) how about just some turkey giblets for the good doctor? The smartest person in the whole deal had gotta be *his* lawyer: "I had to settle on the kidney issue, doc. We got$49.95 and a 30 lb fresh tom. Now, my fee is the money and the turkey. Here's your bag of gizzards."

Am not going anywhere near the fetters question.