Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween recap

cutest trick-or-treater: the toddler ballerina who walked right into my house when I opened the door, pointed at the bowl of candy saying "uh! uh!", and tried her best to refuse to leave even after I put some in the bag her mom was holding. I think she was holding out for the whole bowl. Or maybe she just liked my hallway.

best costume seen in downtown Salem: two dudes dressed up as trees in outfits made of...actual trees. Impressive.

best use of cleavage to confuse door-to-door salesmen: I'm claiming this one for myself. When someone was at the door yesterday at 6 pm, I was convinced it was my first trick-or-treater of the night. Alas, it was the Verizon FIOS guy trying to convince me to buy his product. (I guess the weekly fucking junk mail they send me wasn't invasive enough. Bastards!) Unfortunately for him, I was already in my costume, lowcut as it was, with my fake tattoos accentuating the boobage, and while he was trying his best to explain to me how much money I'd be saving, he couldn't quite keep his eyes on my face. He tried, but he just couldn't. I think it threw him off his sales pitch.

That's all I've got.



Craig H said...

All you've got is obviously quite a lot! So why no photos of the contest winners??? ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

Sadly, there is no extant photographic evidence, which I'm sure is a huge oversight on my part. You'll just have to take my word for it.

(I would *never* lie to my blog readers :-))

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'd already forgotten about the moveable mini-forest. They should

Thanks for the reminder, remdinded me to blog myself. :)

And thanks for the reminder about the well-decorated cleavage. ;)

Uncle said...

Dang, that's TWO events where we've been within range and not conversant!
I'd give a close second to the pumpkin-headed dude, except that he's done it before.

Alas, I didn't wear an actual costume, which is fricken dumb, considering I am almost being forced out of my bedroom by costumes. What I wore would fit right in at that other event we frequent.

malevolent andrea said...

Did you see the tree guys too??!?! Weren't they awesome?

We ended up in a restaurant bar at Pickering Wharf (the Beer Works being impossible to even get near, as I'm sure you know if you were there :-)) and there was this girl in full 1800's dress drinking with a guy and a woman in street clothes. I thought that was kind of weird, until I realized she probably works at the House of Seven Gables and goes out after work dressed like that every day. Heh.